Over the years, I've had sales people, business owners and marketing people come to me all asking the same question.
"Braden, our sales are down, we're not bringing enough orders in, do you have any tips?"
The answer is no.
What they are looking for is a quick solution to patch up the gap in their sales pipeline and results.
There are no quick fixes.
In every business, you need to have these 3 main pillars.
You need to have your core values, your goals, and your process.
The core values are not just a pretty sign on the wall. This is what your staff, and yourself, are measured against. They are the living breathing fabric of your business.
Your goals are not just a random sales figure plucked from thin air, and then forgotten about. These are publicised and drummed into everyone in the business.
Your process is how you get there. This is the day to day activities you do to reach your success. This is where most businesses struggle to execute, even when they have their values and goals.
The process
What critical few things can you do on a day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year basis that will keep you moving towards your goal?
These are KPIs, or lead measures. They are the activities by which you will determine your future success.
Too many times, we see businesses fixated on their sales results, either panicking, or thinking it'll get better itself.
There are many business books around the process, your strategy, your sales plans, but let me make it a bit clearer. 98% of them are saying the same thing in a different way.
It is the ACTIVITY that drives the Result that needs to be measured, not the result itself.
These activities could look like:
Outbound phone calls
Sales appointments
Marketing emails
Webinars / Seminars
SEO rankings
Feel free to reach out if you need assistance defining your sales process on 0428 093 273
You may also find the book "4 Disciplines of Execution" helpful if you have not read it...!
